Where is the Best Place to Find Crime Data?

Whether you are moving to a new neighborhood, considering opening a business in your current state or a different one, or considering opening a business in a specific area, it’s essential to research crime data. Crime is always a concern, and understanding the crime of your intended neighborhood can make or break your final decision. Your family’s safety and the safety of your house or business are priorities.
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4 Benefits of Commercial Security Systems for Landlords

Landlords are obligated to ensure that their rental units meet safety standards prior to renting them. They are also responsible for ensuring the property is free of rodents, is in good repair, and that they meet the needs of their renters. Commercial security systems can help assist landlords at achieving these goals. Here’s a look at 4 reasons why that is the case.

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Restaurant Security Tips

Restaurant managers and owners need to prioritize their security. This not only keeps the restaurant, customers, and employees safe, but it also helps protect the restaurant’s future success. Security incidents can be costly, but with the proper measures, you can help prevent these incidents from occurring.

Threats include burglaries conducted after hours, employee thefts, and even thefts performed by existing customers. Here are some security tips that provide advice as to how you can keep your restaurant safe and secure: Read more

Best Online Apps for Researching Crime and Staying Safe in Your Neighborhood

It’s always wise to be aware of potential crime and safety risks in your area since knowledge is the first step to creating a plan that will address these safety risks. There are tools out there that will provide crime statistics. This data is based on neighborhood, city, or statewide data. Each tool listed below allows users to gather important data, receive alerts, and connect with others in their neighborhoods. These are some of the best tools we’ve found.

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Commercial Burglar Alarms: How They Work

A commercial burglar alarm system is essential for keeping your business, employees, and property safe from external threats, including break-ins and vandalism.

Depending on the size of your building and the nature of your business, your burglar alarm system may be simple or incorporate several different components. Working with an experienced commercial burglar alarm provider will ensure your system is customized to suit your business.

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How to Protect Your Business From Top New England Crime Trends in 2022

Performing a regular audit of the security system within your business helps you make sure it is still meeting your needs. Even if your security system is fully functional, your security needs may have evolved since you first had it installed.

Staying on top of current crime trends will help you adjust and optimize your security strategy to ensure your business remains protected.

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Delivered packages at a door, part of a blog post on package theft

How to Prevent Package Theft

A report by Safewise revealed that 64.1% of Americans fell victim to package theft in 2021, resulting in over $2 billion in stolen goods. This act, often referred to as porch piracy, is most common in metropolitan areas, but happens throughout the entire country. Packages are lifted most around the winter holidays and during the summer when people are on vacation. 

Even though the average value of stolen merchandise was only $50, tracking, reporting, and coordinating refunds for stolen packages is an administrative burden you could do without. Here are some simple tips for preventing package theft.

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Door Knocking Scams: How to Spot and Avoid

Door-to-door sales, charity, and survey solicitations are surprisingly common, even in the digital age. While most individuals who come to your home requesting donations or selling services are genuine, there are scam artists who take advantage of this practice to solicit personal information and money from homeowners. Here’s what to know about door-knock scams and how you can protect yourself from unwanted or fraudulent solicitors. Read more

How to Improve Security in Your Business’ Parking Lot

Between drivers admitting to being distracted while navigating parking lots and an 11% increase in car theft nationally, parking lot security at your business should be top of mind. Help your employees and customers feel safe and comfortable coming and going from your business by taking measures to reduce the risk of accidents and the threat of criminal activity on your property. Here are some simple tips for improving your business’ parking lot security.

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An image of a house during spring, part of a post on home security travel tips for spring break

How to Secure Your Home for Spring Break Travel

Spring break is a fantastic opportunity to relax and decompress after a busy winter, but it might be tough to unwind if you’re worried about the safety of your home. Research shows that burglars are three times less likely to break into a house with a security system in place. If you don’t already have a home surveillance system, install one before you leave.

Beyond surveillance, making your home appear lived-in is the best way to deter burglars when you’re out of town. Here are some simple home security travel tips for securing your home during spring break.

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