Loss Prevention Statistics and How to Prevent Theft in Your Retail Space

Retailers face loss every day. Shoplifting is the most recognizable form of theft, but other types include smash-and-grabs, credit card fraud, employee theft, and even organized crime. Here we will cover loss prevention statistics and how you can help to prevent retail theft in your business.
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video surveillance in government buildings is a strong security asset

The Role of Video Surveillance in Securing Government Buildings

Government or municipal buildings house sensitive operations, valuable assets, and public services that play a big role in serving communities. Ensuring the safety of these spaces is critical as they are frequent targets for vandalism, unauthorized access, and other security threats. Video surveillance is a cornerstone of modern municipal security strategies, providing a powerful combination of deterrence, real-time monitoring, and critical incident documentation.
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Cannabis plants growing in cannabis company growing facility

American Alarm Is a Powerful Security Partner for MA Cannabis Companies

Cannabis plants growing in cannabis company growing facilityMany first-time cannabis company owners don’t realize that you need a security company on board before you even hire your building contractor or secure your funding. Security is highly regulated in the cannabis industry. Unlike other industries where you can tailor your security to your budget, in cannabis you must tailor your budget to security.

The Cannabis Control Commission (CCC) requires a certain number of devices based on multiple (sometimes vague) aspects of your business. These devices can include, but are not limited to:

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indoor growing operations, cannabis company owners

Three Costly Mistakes First-Time Massachusetts Cannabis Company Owners Make

indoor growing operations

Cannabis sales increased 67% last year, and more people support the use of the plant now than ever before. For business owners and security managers like you, you’ve spotted the potential to profit from this amazing opportunity. However, like with any industry, there are certain pitfalls that can tank a business venture before it even begins. If you’re moving into the cannabis space, avoid the following three costly mistakes commonly made by first-time Massachusetts cannabis company owners. With this boost in knowledge you can get your company off the ground as quickly and economically as possible.

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Systems Technicians: The Best Kept Career Opportunity Secret

technologyThere is an interesting paradox playing out in the security systems technician field both locally and across the country. At a time when the industry is growing and new technologies are driving the market, fewer people are seeking jobs in the field.

In Massachusetts, for example, over the past 15 years the number of people holding Systems Technicians licenses (low voltage C & D) has decreased by 21%. The big question is why?

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In the Dark: New Study Says Lack of Light Doesn’t Encourage Crime

AA-In the Dark New Study Says Lack of Light Doesn't Encourage Crime

How do you prevent crime? While the ability to peer into criminals’ thoughts and predict bad behavior isn’t a reality just yet, there are a number of tried-and-true methods to deter theft and robbery. Among the most popular are placing valuables out of sight and ensuring your home or business always looks occupied, even when you’re away. Monitored alarm systems are also critical, and it’s common sense to make sure there’s always a source of light. But a new study from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in partnership with UCL has discovered that more light may not mean increased safety.

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Police Body Cameras Proposed in Boston

Police_lights_webPolice in Boston may soon be sporting new technology. A proposal from the citizen group, Boston Police Camera Action Team, would require all on-duty officers to wear a video camera on their shirt collars. This proposal comes after major cities across the country have participated in pilot programs to test the effectiveness of body cameras. These programs have emerged in response to public outcry over police-involved shootings nationwide.

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Search and Seizure: Rhode Island Senate Puts Limit on Police Powers

What kind of identification can police ask for, and under what circumstances? In many states, law enforcement powers when it comes to search and seizure—always informed by the need for reliable identity—are cause for citizen/police tensions.

Rhode Island is no exception, and according to the Providence Journal article, is taking action: The senate recently gave the OK to a bill which would see police powers both narrowed in scope and limited in reach. What does this mean for long-term citizen safety and security?

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New England Communities Top National Safety List

New England OutlineIt’s official: Cities and towns across New England make up almost 25 percent of the top 100 safest places to live in the United States. According to a new report, places like Ridgefield, Wayland, Norfolk, Clinton, and Weston have all cracked the top ten based on FBI data for cities with over 10,000 residents. What sets these communities apart?

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New Worcester Lab Brings “Real” Crime to Campus

New Worcester Lab Brings “Real” Crime to CampusIs that guy passed-out drunk, or is that a dead body? Ketchup, or blood? What’s going on here?

On Becker College campus, the confusion is understandable thanks to the new John Dorsey Sr. Crime Scene Laboratory, named after one of the college’s longest-serving law professors. The 1100 square-foot lab is designed to mimic the horror and authenticity of real crime scenes, and according to Worcester District Attorney Joseph D. Earley, a friend of Professor Dorsey, “I got the heebie-jeebies. It was that realistic.” The idea behind the sometimes gruesome vignettes is to give students a leg up in the real world, especially if they’re looking at a career in law enforcement or forensics.

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