DIY vs. DFY Security: Which is Right For You?

When it comes to home security systems, one of the biggest questions is whether to install a system yourself or have it professionally installed. According to SafeHome, 43% of system owners had their systems professionally installed. Here’s what to consider when deciding between do-it-yourself (DIY) and done-for-you (DFY) security systems.
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Cats and Dogs and Christmas Trees: Holiday Safety With Pets

We’ve all seen videos, like this one, of cute pets playing with ornaments on the Christmas tree, leaping onto the Christmas tree, and even toppling the Christmas tree over. While these videos are funny, they also highlight the dangers of mixing pets and Christmas trees. Pets may topple trees, break ornaments, or chew wires, creating fire hazards.
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Cyber Monday: Tips for Safe Online Shopping

Online shopping has become a popular way for consumers to get anything they want, from household items to holiday gifts. According to Tech Report, in 2022, there were over 286 million online shoppers in the US alone.

Shopping has never been easier for consumers, but there are concerns to consider. The biggest one is the safety of your personal information and your money. Here are some tips to make sure that your Cyber Monday shopping leaves you with only your purchases and none of the worries.
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Healthcare Series: Security Challenges for Multi-tenant Healthcare Facilities

Multi-tenant healthcare facilities pose unique security challenges due to their size and structure. Typically, these organizations require a security strategy for the building at large and individual security solutions for each tenant. These tailored systems will protect these organizations’ patient records, equipment, medications, staff, and patients.
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Security Partner for Cannabis Companies


Massachusetts has among the strictest cannabis regulations in the United States. Since 2015, we have helped more than 80 cannabis facilities open successfully in Massachusetts, with integrated security, fire, video, access control and environmental monitoring systems that have always passed state and local inspections.

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Woman Stealing Clothes From Store

Shoplifting Rises During April School Vacation

Woman Stealing Clothes From Store

New England store owners lose billions of dollars annually in stolen merchandise. In Massachusetts alone, shrinkage due to shoplifting reached approximately one billion dollars last year. While the largest spike in shoplifting occurs during the holiday season, April is also a month in which shoplifting is more common, as youth are usually on spring break during this time.

The majority of shoplifting crimes are committed by people ages 35-54. However, approximately 25% of all shoplifters are under the age of 18. This means that your store needs to take extra precautions during the month of April, when teens are out of school and therefore have more opportunity to shop – and potentially shoplift.

If you want to protect your business from an increase in shoplifting, or if you’d like to work to eliminate instances of shoplifting, take a look at the following tips. These actionable pieces of advice can ensure that your business remains as profitable as possible this April and beyond.

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Shot of a young man dancing while busy vacuuming the living room

Spring Cleaning Safety Tips

Shot of a young man dancing while busy vacuuming the living roomSpring cleaning is a way to say goodbye to winter and ready yourself and your home for a new season of sunshine and warmth. It’s a time to clean out the old to make space for the new, and to reorganize your home to better serve your needs. However, in the process of cleaning, there are several hazards to be aware of. It’s important to follow some essential spring cleaning safety tips to ensure that your pursuit of a cleaner space is accident-free.

Check out these key spring cleaning safety tips for the info you need to spruce up your home without injury or damage.

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A tree surgeon arborist expert working on removing a tree branch with chain saw and heavy equipment.

Spring Home Safety Checklist

A tree surgeon arborist expert working on removing a tree branch with chain saw and heavy equipment.Spring is nearly upon us and that means it’s time to get your home in shape for nice weather and even nicer activities. From prepping for a good outdoor barbecue, to ensuring your home’s air is clean and fresh, this spring home safety checklist has you covered. Plan a “spring cleaning” weekend and mark all these items off to ready your home for a fantastic spring season. 

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Father and 2 little boys are walking dog in winter forest

6 Winter Pet Safety Tips

Father and 2 little boys are walking dog in winter forestSnow is pretty to look at, but isn’t always very fun for your pet. Animals can struggle in winter to stay warm, healthy, and protected from the harsh winter elements. It’s important for all pet owners to keep certain precautions in mind to keep their pet safe from any accidents or illnesses.

These six essential winter pet safety tips will ensure your pet stays happy and healthy all throughout the chilly months. Implementing these tips will also give you peace of mind as you’ll know that your pet is protected, even in the heaviest of winter storms.

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A roof rake is being used to remove snow from a winter roof. Large amounts of snow are often removed, using this method, to prevent ice dams and reduce excess weight. Ice dams form when melted roof snow freezes at the gutter sometimes leading to damage to the roof edge.

Winter Home Maintenance Checklist

A roof rake is being used to remove snow from a winter roof. Large amounts of snow are often removed, using this method, to prevent ice dams and reduce excess weight. Ice dams form when melted roof snow freezes at the gutter sometimes leading to damage to the roof edge.Winter brings a need for quality home maintenance. From frozen pipes to slippery walkways, snow-burdened trees to home fires, there are many things that can go wrong in winter. However, with a good checklist you can easily stay ahead of any damages or safety hazards.

Keep this list of indoor and outdoor maintenance tasks in mind throughout the winter season and set aside time each week to tackle some of these potential problem areas. You’ll thank yourself as you sail through winter and into spring without any mishaps.

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