Updating Your Security When Someone Moves Out

When someone you are living with, be it a roommate or a spouse, moves out, security measures should be taken to ensure your safety and the protection of your home and valuables. Even after someone moves out, if they still have access to the premises via a key or entry code, this poses a number of security issues. Even if you trust them fully, there’s still a chance that they might lose the key or somehow compromise the security of your home by accident.
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The Importance of Monitored Security and Life Safety

Monitored security systems provide homeowners with an added layer of peace of mind. A security system is a great protection to have for your family and home, but knowing a trusted security company is monitoring it is even better. Here’s what you should know about monitored security systems.
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How to Choose a Medical Alert System for Seniors

The health and safety of senior loved ones is important. Whether the senior in your life lives alone, with family, or in a care home, a medical alert system can give everyone peace of mind. Here’s what you should consider when choosing a medical alert system for seniors.
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What is the Best Home Security System for You?

Before deciding on a home security system, it’s important to consider the features offered and your personal needs. Hundreds, if not thousands, of home security options are available to consumers, which can make selecting a system overwhelming.
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Where is the Best Place to Find Crime Data?

Whether you are moving to a new neighborhood, considering opening a business in your current state or a different one, or considering opening a business in a specific area, it’s essential to research crime data. Crime is always a concern, and understanding the crime of your intended neighborhood can make or break your final decision. Your family’s safety and the safety of your house or business are priorities.
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How to Keep Valuables Safe in a Dorm Room

Keeping your valuables safe is a concern wherever you go, but when you’re sharing a dorm room with someone else, it’s important that extra precautions be taken.

Living with someone you don’t know is one thing, but you will both have family and friends coming in and out at various times, which requires safety measures. Here’s how you can keep your valuables safe when living in a dorm room.
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Essential NYE Safety Tips

New Year’s Eve is a night that many people look forward to. Whether you decide to stay home or go out to enjoy the festivities, you want to stay safe while ringing in the New Year. To avoid having your night interrupted by an unexpected safety concern, take these tips into consideration.
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Essential Holiday Fire Safety Tips

With the holiday season comes a lot of bright and festive decorations. These decorations often involve lights and candles. While beautiful, they pose a fire hazard that needs to be considered to keep everyone safe. Here are some fire safety tips that will help prevent any unnecessary injuries and damage.
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Cyber Monday: Tips for Safe Online Shopping

Online shopping has become a popular way for consumers to get anything they want, from household items to holiday gifts. According to Tech Report, in 2022, there were over 286 million online shoppers in the US alone.

Shopping has never been easier for consumers, but there are concerns to consider. The biggest one is the safety of your personal information and your money. Here are some tips to make sure that your Cyber Monday shopping leaves you with only your purchases and none of the worries.
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Winter Safety Checklist: Prepare Your Home & Vehicle for Winter Conditions

The winter season can be messy and dangerous if you live somewhere that gets excessive rain, snow, or random cold snaps. We can’t always predict exactly how the winter season will shape up in terms of weather, so it’s best to be prepared for anything that may come. Here are some things to think about before winter.
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